Tyler's Page

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08/03/03:Latest Photos

We went to the park on Sunday, and got this great picture of Tyler and Mom.


We went to an Independence Day party with our church on July 5th. Tyler sat down at and proceeded to play (in his own 2-year old kind of way) the piano. He's actually not that bad for someone who hasn't studied!

06/24/02:Latest News

You know, we really have to start keeping our web site up to date! Anyway, we'll add more "news" soon, but here's a recent photo of Tyler (about 3 months ago).


Tyler is now six and a half months old, and he's a busy guy! He crawls. He sits up. And he's desperately trying to stand up, but falling a little short of the mark. He said his first word this week--"num nums", when his oatmeal didn't arrive as promptly as he thought it should. He's since added the word "yum" as well. Figures, his first two words would be food-related. Tyler is quite the little piggy-boy, eating three adult-sized (!) bowls of oatmeal a day.

He's a delightfully happy kid, and loves to play pat-a-cake, and sing the drooling song.

Sung to Frankie Lane's "Rawhide"...
...droolin droolin droolin
Tyler's really droolin
droolin droolin droolin...Tyler
Tyler's really droolin
Boy he's really droolin
Be careful or he'll drool on you!


At three and a half months, Tyler is beginning to get pretty mobile. He's now able to successfully roll over from his back to his stomach, and also is able to roll back to his back. Earlier today, we also caught him scooting forward using his knees. He's pretty mobile for his age...and it scares us! He's getting really expressive. He giggles a lot when you play "jump" with him, and for the last couple of weeks he's been reaching toward us when he wants to be held. He's been sleeping longer and longer at night. In fact, one night last week he slept from 11:00 all the way to 7:00am---a whole night! He hasn't repeated it yet, but we're hopeful!

A recent photo of Tyler.
Here's a recent photo of Amber and Tyler together.
These photos were taken in our front yard on 19 May 01.